Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Has it already been a month since my last post? I told you I'm not good at this blogging thing LOL. Ok so some updates...I finally went to the Orthopedic and he believes that I have a Labral Tear (I guess that is a tendon that holds your hip in place?). I had an MRI with an Arhtrogram yesterday (NOT FUN!!) hopefully will find out the results soon..but probably not until Mon? I have no idea what the treatment plan will be...the googling fanatic that I am found that it depends on how bad the tear is. Being that I injured it clear back in January and it is still bothering me the Dr felt that it might be worse? If it isn't "that" bad they will treat it with PT and pain meds. If it is bad I will probably have surgery. I wish my wonderful SIL Kathy could do the surgery for me! I wish I could go to the dr that she works with but alas I have HMO and have to go to who they tell me to LOL. We have been going through ANOTHER round of Bronchitis at our house, thank heavens for me I only got the viral infection and not the actual Bronchitis which is a miracle since my immune system sucks!

Oh and at my follow up apt with the reg dr found out some interesting news from my blood tests. The dr had tested me for EPV and my results obviously came back as positive but they were very high. I guess a positive test result is anything above 1 and mine was at 5. My cholesterol was low which was surprising BUT found out that I "might" have something called Gilbert's Disease which basically is that your liver doesn't break down bilirubin properly and your bili levels can become high and you can become jaundice. Mine were at 1.5 where normal is 0.1-1.2 so she wasn't all too concerned. The dr wasn't sure it was this Gilbert's Disease or not because she told me that you are usually diagnosed with it as a child because you would have become jaundice. I of course being the googler that I am found out that isn't the case. Most are NOT diagnosed unless they become jaundice or by a random blood test as my case. It is nothing to be concerned about Gilbert's Disease is a harmless genetic condition that causes no major symptoms other than mild jaundice. Although it can cause Fatigue and stomach issues (which I have both of) so now that makes how many things that I have that cause Fatigue? LOL I think I'm up to 4 now..lucky me!

Hopefully I will find out soon about the MRI and at least get answers about that issue so that we can move on to other issues going times at our house I tell ya! So I will end with some cute pics of the kids at the park :)

Oh and I'm not sure I have ever posted this picture of Jordan, as he is a hard one to get to look at the camera and smile...unless he REALLY wants too LOL