Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some SMALL answers..

I guess this is how it works with having kids..takes forever to get stuff done and when it does get done you only get half answers. For the past several months we have know that Emma has Sensory Integration Disorder which actually explains ALOT about her. Why she "freaks out" at the grocery store, at family parties, etc. So her Peditrician sent a request to Inland Regional Center (which is run by the state) to come and eval her for SI and also for her speech delay. It has taken 3 LONG months to finally come to this day. They came and she actually interacted well with them which I was VERY surprised about because she isn't usually like that. After an hour and a half we were told that she IS speech delayed. She is currently 30mths and for her Speech EXPRESSION she is at 16mths. She understands what people tell her but she doesn't talk and express what she wants/needs very well. We have tried for the past 6mths to get her to talk more and she has made some slight progress but not as much as we had hoped. Well the state offers 2 programs for Early Start (kids that are younger than 3). For one program they have to be 50% delayed and they have someone come out and help the parents and help the children with the issues a couple of times a month. It used to be that they had OT, ST and PT available but due to the budget cuts they have eliminated those services. The other Program is called the Prevention Program and is for those that fall in the 33-49% category. This is the one that Emma falls into. She is currently at a 16mth lvl for her speech expression and she is 30 mths so she missed the other program but like 5%? Anyway what the state can do for her is:

*Service Coordination (a corridinator comes every 3 months to work with her)
*Family Training and Support
*Developmental Monitoring
*Information & Resources
*Referrals to Public and Community agencies

So we figured out the speech, BUT I found out today that they don't dx the Sensory...which the Pedi thought they did. Just observing her and asking me questions about her "episodes" they feel that she does have some sensory issues and suggested that I ask her Pedi for a OT that is certified in back to the drawing board on that one. They also gave me a couple of books to read that might help.

So the day started with her Eval then the boys came home from school and Hunter had 2bad grades on some tests (D's..and this coming from the kid that has NEVER gotten lower than a B on a test)..and ANOTHER assignment he didn't turn in. I swear this kid is going to make me bald (from pulling my hair out in frustration). He KNOWS how to do the work, he just finds it boring. He had a Neuro follow up last week and he suggested that we get him the Psychological evaluation done. I contacted the Psy assigned to their school and he also talked to Hunter's teacher and he agreed that SOMETHING needs to be done to help him. Whether it be harder work or what. We are having a meeting set up in the next week or so with the Psy, teacher, counsler, and school admin and us to go over what we need to do and to formally request the exam to be done. It seems like with Hunter we go one step forward and 2 steps back, its just so frustrating! Esp when people don't understand how he is. He CAN control himself but then he gets home and just explodes..that is the best way I can describe it. They upped one of his meds and that seems to be helping somewhat but now he is going to start talking with a counsler that specializes in what he is going through and also anger-management (which he has some issues with but its more geared towards himself with hitting himself, pulling hair out and banging his head).

Oh and last but not least tonight I had to run to the store to grab a few eBay things and I get a call from Dallin that Jordan had pushed Emma through the front WHAT? So I get home to find out that they had been sitting on the couch and decided that it was a bright idea to play behind the blinds and Emma pulled her blanket up and it somehow threw them both back against the screen and they halfway fell out...seriously only my kids would do this stuff. Add to that Emma dancing on the kitchen table and we have a bunch of monkeys! Both are fine, just shaken up a HOPEFULLY they will listen when I tell them not to do that stuff! BTW Jeff was also home with them he was on a school call and had his headset/microphone on.