Monday, December 1, 2008

1 year stats

So Emma went for her one year check up last week. Here are her stats:

Weight 21 lbs 10oz 65% percentile
Height 31 inches 97% percentile
Head 18"

So she is really tall and skinny skinny. The boys by this age were each over 30lbs so she is tiny to me. Such a ham for the camera too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Final Slide Show

And the final Slide Show..had to cram them all in or I would have needed to make 100's of them LOL enjoy!

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We have a birthday girl!

Can you believe that Emma is already a year old? I can't! Time has just flown by for our family (I guess that is what happens when you have 4 kids). I thought I would make a slide show of pictures of Emma and the kids over the past year and share them.

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I will add the others as I get them done as I am only about 3 months in on pictures, lol.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another Update

So here it has been yet another 2 mths since I posted, man how time flies!! Well lets see what has happened since and grandma came down for Hunter's baptism and grandma stayed with us for 3 weeks (and no mom I promise we didn't go crazy with her here, LOL)..Emma has FINALLY learned how to crawl and is now trying to stand on her own! Emma and Dallin will both be having birthdays this month so I am sure I will post about those as well.

For Dallin I'm not sure yet what we are planning, maybe a small party with a friend or two (sleepover?) and Emma we will have a small party with just us on her actual bday and then we will have a big family party at Thanksgiving since the whole family will be there (well Jeff's side anyway). Fun times! Now for some pictures... Here is from Hunter's Baptism

Some random shots that Dallin took when he stole the camera from me, he is actually getting pretty good at them...

Ok onto Halloween.....these are taken at our ward's Trunk Or Treat night. Dallin as a Jedi....again....for what the 3rd year? He decided this year he didn't want to trick or treat so he stayed home with Jeff and played World Of Warcraft and passed out candy. They didn't get alot of playing done as we had a TON of kids this year. Easily 200+!! Hunter as a pirate..seemed to be a VERY popular costume this year Jordan as a RED Ninja Lord One of all the boys being.....well boys lol And the little ladybug....Emma

Oh and before I forget....I uploaded a cute video of Emma at Wendy's while my mom was here. Her camera has sound on it (for the video part)

Ok so looking over after I posted the pics are being cut off on the right on some of them. I tried to fix them but I guess they are fairly large...sorry!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I Know I Know its been months since I have bloged but dang its busy around here, LOL. Ok sooo lets see since I last blog both Jordan AND Hunter have had birthdays. For Jordan we took him out to his favorite restraunt (Denny's LOL) and he got his favorite dinner (Mac N' Cheese) and loved it! Since Dallin was at my moms we had also had another party while she was here to celebrate. Um lets see what else?

For Hunters 8th bday (yeah you read that right, he is 8! can you believe it?) We took him to a small amusement type park that has rides, games and mini golf and the kiddos had a blast. On his actual bday (which was on a sunday) he picked his favorite dinner (Chicken Kiev) and we had a triple chocolate fudge cake YUM!! He got to open his presents and we had fun celebrating his special day. He will be baptized next month during the stake baptism date. Mom and grandma are flying out from Ut to see this special occasion. Grandma Shirley is staying with us for a few weeks because mom is going on a trip to ummmm where are you going again.. its late and I can't remember, LOL. Anyway grandma is going to stay with us while mom is gone, yeah!! We are all super excited to have them come and visit us again :)

Lets see what else? Oh Emma had her 9mth visit (9mths already?) and here are her stats:

Weight: 20lb 5oz
Height: 29 or 30 I can't remember

So for height she is in the 97% and weight she is 80%. Man she is sooo different from the boys already! By this age they were eating two size 3 Jars of baby food and she can BARELY make it through one if even that. She is also only eating baby food for lunch and dinner. She is such a sweetie! She isn't crawling yet as she prefers to just scoot around in circles and scoot herself on her bottom if she wants to get something. She has attempted to get up but has had several face plants so I think she is overly cautions still. The boys were the same way, which is fine by me because at least I can still keep her in one place for a little longer, LOL. So you ready for the picture overload?? I did take some pics of Jordan bday but for some reason I couldn't find them on the PC so I will have to add them later :)

K these first pictures I took at a park by our house. The park has this cool water spout thing that the boys have recently discovered, next time I will make sure to bring their swim clothes and a towel LOL.

Of course Jordan didn't want anything to do with the water as he only likes pools, lol so he went on the slides instead and made a new friend which we found out on Sunday is actually in our ward!

Ok so I tried to upload this cute picture of Em because it shows how she always is with her tongue sticking out but for some reason it uploaded sideways. Oh well.....

Now for the amusement park pictures...I warned you this was a long post!

Emmy waiting for the boys to ride some rides

Some water fun

Some brotherly love

Now leave me some love!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Little update

Sorry I know its been a LONG time since I posted. Things are really busy here with the kiddos and eBay. Emma had her 6mth checkup on Friday and here are her stats:

Weight: 18lb 14oz
Height: 28"

I thought for sure she had reached the 20lb mark she feels sooo much heavier! She got her immunizations as well so she was sleepy yesterday. We have all been getting over a small 24hr ish bug that has been going around too. I hope you all are doing well! Now for some pics!

Oh I forgot to add....still no teeth! She has been working hard at getting one but it still hasn't broken through yet. All of the boys had at least 1-2 teeth at this age. Oh and she is sitting up on her own now! She does fall over sometimes but she is getting better! I will have to get a picture of her sitting. Oh and I'm trying to do videos of the kiddos as well but for some reason I can't get the sound to work when I upload them so I will keep trying...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Its so hot!!

We have been hitting triple digits over the last couple of days so we broke out the slipin slide today. The boys cousin Noah is over for the night so we washed cars and then they played. While they played we made homemade pizza, YUMMY!! I got some cute shots of the kiddos and some of Emma so this will be a picture overload :)

Emma's New trick, she makes this snorting noise out of her nose, then she laughs, LOL

And last but not least a close up of her undecided eye color :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I know I know!

So I know its been several weeks since I've posted, LOL. We are FINALLY in the house and are still working on getting everything put together and unpacked. Next will be decorating! Here are some pics of the kiddos from this last week. I finally found my camera!!

Look how much she has grown over the last 5 1/2 months. This is when she was about 4 days old and still in the NICU

This was last week:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What happens when mom is in the shower......

So I got in the shower the other day and had Dallin watch Emma for me....look what he does while I'm in there, LOL

He said he wanted her to look "Gangsta" LOL what silly kiddos I have. Nothing much going on here....just packing away!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The New House!

Ok so we went and signed the lease on our new place today! We move in less then 2 weeks :) Here are some pics

Front of the house

Part of the Master

Master from inside the master bath (plus more to the right)

Master Toilet (did you see the wallpaper??? YUCK!!)

Master Bath

Master Closet

Emma's Room

Dallin's Room

Washer/Dryer (check out the wallpaper...did Grandma Shirley pick it??, LOL)

Boys/Guest bathroom (check it out....more funky wallpaper!)

Hunter/Jordan's bedroom (sorry forgot to crop off Jordan's head)

My eBay room!!!! Don't mind the stuff in there..the other tenant is still moving out as you will see in the rest of the pics

The formal living/dining room (dining is to the left of this picture)

Family room

Part of the kitchen from the dining room

View of the left side of the back yard from the cement slab (which is fairly large)

Left side of the backyard (if you are looking from the front of the house)

view of the right side of the backyard from the cement slab

Right side of the backyard (again if viewing from the front of the house)

At last but not least a pic of Hunter and Emma :)