Saturday, May 17, 2008

Its so hot!!

We have been hitting triple digits over the last couple of days so we broke out the slipin slide today. The boys cousin Noah is over for the night so we washed cars and then they played. While they played we made homemade pizza, YUMMY!! I got some cute shots of the kiddos and some of Emma so this will be a picture overload :)

Emma's New trick, she makes this snorting noise out of her nose, then she laughs, LOL

And last but not least a close up of her undecided eye color :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I know I know!

So I know its been several weeks since I've posted, LOL. We are FINALLY in the house and are still working on getting everything put together and unpacked. Next will be decorating! Here are some pics of the kiddos from this last week. I finally found my camera!!

Look how much she has grown over the last 5 1/2 months. This is when she was about 4 days old and still in the NICU

This was last week: