Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So not much going on since the last update..I got my x-ray results and they showed nothing..(no surprise since we know that nothing is broken) Dr has referred me to an Orthopedic and Physical Therapy for the hip and Sciatic issues..hopefully they will be able to help. I have good days and bad...last week I had 2 days I could hardly move due to the Sciatic pain but I have learned that I can only do so much around the house or I pay for it the next few days. It gets really frustrating to feel this way and to not have a way to "help" myself. There is no "cure" for CFS or FM and add to that the EBV that I have it gets depressing. It seems that know one understands what is going on and some might even think of me as being "lazy" which is fine because I know that isn't the truth. The kids are still getting over the Bronchitis so we have a lot of coughing going on around here. I will update more after I see the Ortho and PT..until then enjoy these cute pics!!

Hunter getting his awards for scounts

The awards...