Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So its been awhile

What have we been doing over the last several months? Well a bunch of Dr visits, school work, and well just some hanging around...see??

We had Easter...we just hung out and watched conference together as a family and found eggs..nothing big but we had a good time. Please don't mind the mess in the background...we have our own Tornado whom we call "Emma" LOL. We can't keep ANYTHING clean when she is awake.

Here Dallin LET Emma color on his face...little did he know it was NOT washable marker LOL oh and this was the next day it was much worse hehehe

Between sick kiddos and Dr visits for other reasons..its been quite busy around here. Hopefully will update on that other stuff later as well get more answers :) Hopefully I can keep up with the blog this time....not promising anything though LOL