Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ok I give in!

Ok so I decided to start my own blog. Thanks alot Mel its all your fault, LOL. I'm sure I will post a ton of pics of the kiddos as soon as I figure out how to do that! So this is just a test post :)


Melissa De Mers said...

YES YES YES! i knew you'd cave in. ;) well at least you have a lot to blog about!!! three crazy boys and one baby girl! :) i love it!

love ya

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you tried this music was way COOL
gave me a lift,I'm stilll tappin my feet.You will find raisin a girl alot more trobel than your boys.
They can be real whinniy.Picky about hthier stuff and adorable . you will think what did I do before I had ribbons to use LOL
Frils and Thrills that's what you will have with your brood,good bad and all inbetween . Nice gruop enjoy them they grow way to fast.