Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update Time

I know I know I've been slacking yet again. I guess I just don't make blogging a priority when I have dishes overflowing in the sink and I'm wading through mounds of laundry. But I'm going to try to do at least ONCE a month...can't promise more than that LOL. So lets see what has happened since my last update?

The boys when back to school in August and Jordan started Kindergarten this year! Here are a few pics:

Jordan struggled the first 2 weeks but now he is doing GREAT! He is learning his sight words and is having fun! Emma and I spend our mornings getting eBay stuff and getting packages ready. She is loving Yo Gabba Gabba and her newest LOVE is Care Bear movies (thanks to Melissa!). She loves to dance and sing to them LOL.

Jeff started school again (shhhh don't tell him I told you!) he is going for his 2nd Master's! My husband the scholar LOL. I am debating about going back to school just to get my generals in January...depends all on how I'm feeling..speaking of..I was REALLY bad for about 3 weeks end of July beginning of Aug so after awhile went into the dr and she said I just had a viral infection. This thing literally put me on the couch for almost 3 solid weeks that is how bad I felt! She explained it to me as because of the CEBV (Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus) my body is more susceptible to viral/bacterial infections because it can't fight them off. So when I get them I get them BAD BAD BAD. I was tested for Step and other stuff but they didn't find anything. My dr suggested that really there isn't any more that she can do for me so she gave me a few suggestions of natural approaches. I think I'm going to look into seeing a Naturopath or Homeopath Dr. I have been searching but haven't really found much around me. I am really hoping I can find SOMEONE that can help me or give me suggestions to get me feeling better. I HATE feeling this way and it has been going on for way too long! Oh enough about that...

Oh and we got the kids a dog about 2 weeks ago. They LOVE her! She is part Chihuahua and part Pug..we call her a Chug LOL. She is about 1 1/2 years old and they named her Roxy. She is REALLY good with the kids especially Emma! She loves to lay in their laps and she sleeps with Dallin at night. She does have an issue with going #2 in the house. We take her out CONSTANTLY and she will go #1 but not #2? I don't get it! So we are still working on is her pic:

We also went to Disneyland a few times since our passes are not blacked out that place

Ok that is enough for now...til next time!


Hillsdale Park Ward Programs said...

Wow, that was a busy post. Lots crammed in there. I personally like Chug for the name.

emma2007 said...

Gotta cram when its been 2 mths right? LOL Chug would almost be a perfect name as she does Chug any food she finds on the floor..and she is fat in the body hehehe