Friday, July 10, 2009

Dr Visit

Ok so I went to the Dr this morning and hopefully got some answers. He said that the MRI looked good and that I just have some normal "wear and tear". He feels that I have something called "Piriformis Syndrome". Which basically is a nerve condition in the hip that causes pain and occasional loss of feeling in the back of the thigh. It involves compression of the sciatic nerve at the hip by the piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle rotates the hip, allowing the thigh, foot, and knee to point outward. The muscle travels from the pelvis to the outer hip. The sciatic nerve usually passes the hip between this muscle and other muscles of the hip. Some common symptoms are:

*Tingling, numbness, or burning in the back of the thigh to the knee
*Occasionally tenderness in the buttock
*Pain and discomfort (burning, dull ache) in the hip or groin, mid-buttock area, or back of the thigh
*Heaviness or fatigue of the leg
*Pain that is worse with activities such as running, jumping, long walks, and walking up stair or hills, and is often felt at night or with prolonged sitting.

General treatment is:

Initial treatment consists of rest from the offending activity and the use of medications to help reduce inflammation and pain. Stretching exercises of the muscles of the hip are useful. Injections with cortisone in the area where the nerve is being pinches may help to reduce the nerve inflammation and pinching. If this is not successful surgery may be necessary to free the pinched nerve..

So I guess basically I have a pinched nerve in my butt, LOL. I get to do lovely exercises at home, the Dr did want to send me to PT but I know that with PT you have to got 2-3X a week and I have a REALLY high co pay so I am opting to try and do it at home first.


Melissa De Mers said...

hey brandie - i think i may have that syndrome thing too. it started really after i had haylee though. and some days it still happens, it feels like i have a pinched nerve in my butt/back thigh area and sometimes it hurts to walk.

it usually happens now if i do stair climbing or walking or sitting too long and then try to stand. i have a lot of those symptoms too at times. but not all the time, just once in awhile. sometimes it tingles to my feet. weird! Hmm.

hey i made some darcy dip last night to use with my carrot sticks for lunch today and it was awesome! i LOVE that dip! so much!

emma2007 said...

Does yours feel like your touche is on fire? LOL that is pretty much how I feel most of the time. I get tingling all the way down to my toes too and numbness too :( Sucks! But at least I know what is going on right? Glad you liked the dip ;)

Melissa De Mers said...

my doesn't feel like anything's on fire, but it feels like my butt/thigh and sometimes part of my leg are paralyzed. crazy huh? i've got it today b/c i was up cleaning and now i'm sitting, when i stand i'll be limping. darn this getting older thing!!!!!!