Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

We had a wonderful time with the family this Memorial Day weekend. We headed over to Tim and Mel's house for the family party on Sunday. The kids had a blast swimming and hanging out. The adults had fun chatting and swimming too :) Kathy of course made some awesome food...its great to have our own "Martha Stewart" in the family! She is always trying something new...I look forward to seeing what she makes :) On Monday we just hung out around home..we were going to take the kids to the Science Museum but having been in O.C 3 times in the last 3 days has taken a toll on our gas budget so we just hung out at home and had BBQ ribs and Grilled Corn On The Cob YUM!! We also went and visited Jeff's grandmas at the cemetery. Here are some pics from the weekend:

Emma and dad in the pool~Emma not so sure she likes it quite yet

Look I got a SMILE on camera!!

Dallin being goofy

Melissa and Hunter being silly :)

Jeff throwing Jordan into the pool~ Which he LOVES

Oh I almost forgot to add...Emma went to the Dr for her 18mth check up and here are her stats:

Height: 33.5 Inches
Weight: 23lb 6oz

She is in the 50% for her weight and 80% for her height...the boys at this stage were always 100% lol. She is definitely petite compared to how they were..which is great since she is a girl!

Until next time!